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40mg Enteric- Coated Tablet


Conditions where inhibition of gastric acid secretion ma y be beneficial including GRED, PUD, NSAID-associated ulceration. Pathological hypersecretory states eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Directions for Use*

GRED, erosive esophagits 20-40 mg once daily for 4 week, increased to 8 week if necessary; 16 week for erosive esophhagitis. Maintenace: Continue with 20-40 mg daily. Alternatively, for recurring symptoms,20 mg daily may be given. PUD 40 mg once daily for 2-4 week (for duodenal ulcer) or 4-8 week ( for benign gastric ulcer). Prophylaxis for NSAID-associated ulceration 20 mg daily. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Initially 80 mg daily up to 240 mg daily. Doses>80 mg should be given in 2 divided doses.


May be taken with or without food: Swallow whole. Do not split/crush/chew.

*written indications, directions, and administration are updated as of April 27, 2024 and may not be accurate with the actual product purchased. Please read the details in the packaging.

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