Our Company

We are Astana Health Corp., named after the 2018 Declaration of Astana, which is rooted in the 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata, both emanating from global health conventions co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

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Medicine should be accessible.

As the only drugstore with a discount subscription, we aim to protect you from one common side effect of many medicines: harm to your budget.

You should know your options, and their prices.

For something as important as your medicine, why is it so hard to know all your options and see their prices before you choose? At Meds for All, we show you what's available, and their prices, so you can make an informed choice, every time.

Health is much more than medicine.

And we are more than a drugstore (though we are that, too). At Meds for All, everything in the store can make you healthier, not just the medicine. Some won't even cost you anything!

Contact Us

License to Operate

Owner: Astana Health Corp.
License Number: CDRR-NCR-DS-811354
Validity of License: 05 December 2025

(+632) 7001 4304 | hello@medsforall.com.ph