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You champion. Fiber helps lower blood cholesterol levels, slows down glucose absorption, “sweeps” the gut of carcinogens, and more. In one basket? High Five!

☜ Gourmet & Snacks | Rolled Oats (500g)
☜ Erik Kayser Artisan Boulanger | Flax Seeds (250g)
☜ Lifestyle Gourmet | Almond Butter Nut Bar
☜ Perfect Match Low Carb | Chia Seeds (100g)
Variants of the same products may be substituted depending on availability, at no extra cost.

Your Price
Regular price ₱560.00
Member Price
Regular price ₱530.00
Regular price ₱560.00 Sale price ₱560.00
Tax included.

Serious yet positive.  Packed with dietary fibre, an essential nutrient, this baby stands out as a thoughtful way to show your appreciation.

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