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500mg, Film-coated Tablet


UTIs, chronic bacterial prostatitis, lower respiratory tract infection, otitis media, acute sinusitis, skin & skin structure infections, bone & joints infections, complicated intraabdominal infections, infectious diarrhea, typhoid fever( enteric fever) uncomplicated cervical & urethral gonorrhea, inhalational anthrax.

Directions for Use*

UTI Acute uncomplicated: 250 mg every 12 hour for 3 days. Mild/moderate: 250 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Severe: 500 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Chronic bacterial prostatitis Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 28 days. Lower respiratory tract infection Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Severe/complicated: 750 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Acute sinusitis Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 10 days. Skin & skin stricture infection Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Severe/complicated: 750 mg every 12 hour for 7-14 days. Bone & joints infection Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 4-6 days. Severe/complicated: 750 mg every 12 hour for 4-6 days. Intraabdominal infection Complicated: 500 mg every 12 hour for 5-7 days. Typhoid fever Mild/moderate: 500 mg every 12 hour for 10 days. Urethral & cervical gonococcal infection uncomplicated: 250 mg as single dose. Inhalational anthrax (post-exposure) Adult 500 mg every 12 hour for 60 days. Children <18 year 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hour for 60 days. Max: Not to exceed 500 mg/dose. Renal impairment CrCI 30-50 mL/min 250-500 mg every 12 hour, 5-29 mL/min 250-500 mg every 18 hour, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis 250-500 mg every 25 hour (after dialysis).


May be taken with or without food: Do not take with dairy products (eg, milk or yogurt) or Ca-fortified juices alone. Take at least 2 hour prior to or 6 hour after Mg/Al antacids, sucralfate, didanosine chewable/buffered tab or ped powd for oral soln, or other Ca, Fe or Zn-containing products.

*written indications, directions, and administration are updated as of April 21, 2024 and may not be accurate with the actual product purchased. Please read the details in the packaging.

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