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10mg Tablet


Intravenous (Acute Urticaria), Ophthalmic (Ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis), Oral (Allergic Conditions). Oral (Renal Impairment. )

Directions for Use*

Adult: 10 mg 24 hourly over 1-2 minutes. Children: 6 months to 5 years 2.5 mg 24 hourly; 6-11 years 5-10 mg hourly, depending on the severity of symptoms; >12 years Same as adult dose. Adult: Instil 1 drop into the affected eyes bid (approximately 8 hours apart). Child: >2 years same as adult dose. Adult: For symptomatic relief of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis; chronic idiopathic urticaria: 10 mg once daily. Child: 6-12 years 5 mg bid; >12 years same as adult dose. Treatment and dosing recommendations may vary among individual products and between countries (refer to specific product guidelines). Treatment and dosing recommendations may vary among individual products and between countries (refer to specific product guidelines). CrCI (mL/min) <10 Contraindicated. <30 5 mg once every 2 days. 30-49 5 mg once daily. 50-79 Same as adult dose.


May be taken with or without food.

*written indications, directions, and administration are updated as of January 28, 2024 and may not be accurate with the actual product purchased. Please read the details in the packaging.

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