• Membership Account only

    • Create an account for free.
    • No subscription plan required.
    • Access all meds and healthy products.
    • Regular price on all meds.
  • All Meds Subscription Plan

    Your most important subscription yet. The All Meds Plan saves you money and invests in your health.

    • Enjoy a 25% discount on all medicines. On top of this, VAT discounts for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities will be applied at checkout.
    • Discount applies immediately after subscription.
    • No points you have to earn. No card you have to bring.
    • Minimum of 1 year subscription.



    • For best results, create a free membership account before the followng steps.
    1. Click on your preferred payment terms below.
    2. Agree to the terms of the Subscription Agreement.
    3. Your Plan is automatically added to your cart. Click the yellow PayPal button for checkout.

    *For assistance or manual signup, call us at (02) 7001 4304. However, we recommend online signup for your convenience.

  • A partnership for your health

    Subscribing gives you discounts on your meds. It makes health more affordable for you, while making possible our mission of Meds for All.

  • Your most important subscription

    Medicine is more vital than many things we all subscribe to. Subscriptions ease access and build trust - why not do the same for your meds?

  • A plan that pays for itself

    A plan that's affordable, saves you money, and takes care of your health - it's an investment with literally healthy returns.

  • Benefit instantly. Guaranteed.

    No points you have to earn. No card you might forget. Say YES by subscribing and get discounted meds. Just like that.